Coyote (spileye) woke me up again this morning around 5:00 AM, which was nice because I had time for another run. On my run, I saw two deer (yamash). Today our group split into two groups based on major. Each group then headed to do volunteer work with the United States Forest Service (USFS), each group doing work for a different department. The sub-group made up of environmental science & studies majors, including myself, were assigned to the botany department. Having worked with the USFS previously, and having the passion/interest in botany that I have, I am looking forward to this work. -- Favorite day of the trip so far. Our USFS contacts included Charmaine Powers, district botanist at the Bend/Fort Rock Ranger District, and Marlowe F. who is a botanist who specializes in invasive species. Our "work" for the day was counting a plant species endemic to Central Oregon. Castilleja chlorotica, commonly known as green tinged paint brush, is not endangered ...