Day 9
awoke this morning to the sounds of elk and coyote chattering in the area surrounding
our campsite – somewhere around 4:50 to 5:30 AM. A personal best for me was
completing a three-mile run around the campsite and part of an old logging trail.
I made it back by 6:15 to set up breakfast.
that, I assisted in the execution of a mouse that had the misfortune of filling
up on food in the RV. I volunteered to assemble live traps this evening to avoid
having a repeat of this particular event. By the time we left camp at 7:45, I’d
had a pretty full day!
first [planned] adventure of the day was hiking the Deschutes River Trail,
another three miles of beautiful scenery. Following our morning hike, our entire
group was treated to showers, electricity, WiFi, and burgers/brats/veggie burger
goodness, courtesy of Joy and Rick, two of Dr. Black’s longtime friends. It was
incredibly kind of them to share their house with us. We spent the bulk of the
afternoon in luxury getting our blogs up to date, enjoying the air conditioning.

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