Recap: Days 1 - 4.5

Days 1-4.5

Our first three hours in Heritage University parking lot were mostly just hot. Noah shared an apple because I was getting hangry.

Arrival and camp set up at Camp Chaparral.

~11:30 pm first night... Explosions??

Two "explosions" a few minutes apart rang out across the silence of our first night. The next day, we decided this was most likely gunshots echoing in mountains.

Two bear cubs seen near camp on different occasions (pictures below are of the second bear cub sighting).

Deployed trail cams and tuna traps but didn't catch any wildlife.

Hiked Potato Hill and fire ants attacked my foot. It was more alarming than painful, to see a boot made entirely of ants at the end of my leg. Nice to cross that one of the bucket list!


Huckleberry yield in the area has decreased in recent years. We collectively agreed that this is due to a number of factors including reduced natural wildfires and competition from other plant life.

The largest Ponderosa Pine in the Pacific North West. It's dead now, struck by lightning in the '80s, but still towers above the canopy here.


Pressed flowers and helped Camp Chaparral Youth Camp prepare their campground for the first group of summer camp campers who arrive later this week.

Lots of great camp meals, vegetarian friendly.

I am incredibly thankful for the chance to experience this place I might have never seen otherwise. Bittersweet leaving, but excited for what's next.


We arrived at Warm Springs around 6:00 PM.


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